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This episode is sponsored by Petra Kolb

Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. Mark Victor Hansen

Hello folks and welcome back once again as I said in the intro. I really do appreciate you giving your time and energy to listening and possibly learning a little something from the show every now and again.

In last week's show, I looked at how to give and take advice, which not everyone is particularly good at doing and I also delivered 12 pieces of the best advice that listeners and social media followers have ever heard. Go back and have a listen if you think that’s something you could learn from but in the meantime let's crack on with three more lessons from the internet and TikTok sensation Demi Demi.

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying. Tony Robbins


Don’t tell people what you are doing until is time. A premature achievement invite evil spirit. Some of you your downfall is because you're talking too much. Some of you your downfall is because you're talking unnecessary information to the wrong people. Don't tell people what you are doing until it's time. Some of you your downfall is because you're talking too much. You talking unnecessary information. The power. Don't tell people what you are doing until you start. A premature achievement invite disrespect. The power.

I think that Demi Demi’s real point here is “Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing until it’s done. Outside energy can throw off goals”. He has noticed that people that have negative intentions and don’t want to see you succeed will wish you harm and that actually can affect the outcome of your situation. When I was researching this episode ough I came across this too from Dr. Peter M. Vishton, Ph.D.

He says that THE FIRST RULE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOALS IS DON’T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THEM. He performed a study of cognitive neuroscience and noted that when you set a challenging, long-term goal for yourself, the fewer people you tell, the greater your chances of actually achieving that goal. Many people believe a public declaration will increase the likelihood that you’ll accomplish the chosen goal but Doctor Vishton disagrees – he says

“The reason why telling people about your goal is a problem is that when they give you positive support, you get a little bit of that sense of accomplishment and that pleasurable dopamine boost.”

There’s nothing as inherently satisfying as setting and achieving goals; so by all means, set goals and chase them. But if you want to improve your chances of achieving them, let it be a surprise to your friends, unless by telling them, they can provide you with proper support and accountability.

So bear this in mind next time you decide to make a move. Rather than motivating you to succeed, telling people about your next big idea will instead rob you of motivation. It’s not Demi Demi’s point but it’s a point worth making.


It doesn't mean if they have more followers than you, they are better than you. Stay on your lane. That's why you see there's no competition with Hoover. Hoover does not reduce their price just to compete with others. The quality will always be quality. That's why people are doing scary things - that's okay follow us - that's why people are destroying their dignity just because they want to be recognized. Stay on your lane. There is no competition for Hoover. Hoover does not reduce their price just to accommodate or maybe to compete with other things. Stay on your lane. That destroyed either the identity - they are destroying their dignity - just because somebody wants to see himself having 15 million likes or views or followers. Stay on your lane. Quality will always be quality. The power.

Stay on your lane means to me "Stay on target" - stay focused or on track when there are distractions or danger about. Don’t let what other people are doing divert you from your own goals and dreams. If you know what’s most important to you, you can stay in your lane and achieve great things. Don’t be distracted by other people's supposed successes and change your plans. Focus on doing the best you can.


Some rejections in life are blessings in disguise. Some rejections in life are pushing us to our destiny. Listen to this attentively. Allow people to reject you in life, allow people to hold back themselves and leave you because they are pushing you to your destiny.

Benni McCarthy was rejected and fired by AmaZulu FC. Today was appointed – Now was appointed as a striker coach for Man United. In England,135 he's eating the pound. He is coaching one of the greatest player in the world. That's how rejection are pushing us in life - allow people to reject you, so that you can reach your destiny today. They can't even afford him now because now he's focusing on the pound. The power. The power.

You might think that rejection means you’re not good enough, but rejection means you’re better than whatever or whoever rejected you. Rejection is another word for redirection.

Because it’s not rejection that puts you down, it’s the way you handle it. You can either get discouraged or think that something is wrong with you or you can believe that it’s a blessing in disguise preparing you for something bigger than what you wanted for yourself.

  • You realize you’re not perfect.

  • You get the much-needed reality check.

  • Hard times push you to fight for what you want.

  • Rejection makes you want to prove people wrong. It makes you aggressive in a good way. ”I take rejection as someone blowing a bugle in my ear to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat.” Sylvester Stallone

  • It warms you up to the idea of rejection, after taking away the fear of it.

  • You learn to take feedback seriously.

  • You realize that you cannot please everyone.

  • Hardships teach you the importance of improvement and how it's a process that continues throughout life.

  • Rejection introduces you to your true friends.

  • You learn the art of patience.

Rejection obviously makes you a stronger person. It changes you and teaches you to not be afraid of fear. It makes you way more humble. In fact, studies reveal that human beings don’t become stronger when everything is doing fine for them. They get stronger when they deal with unpredictable circumstances.

Finally, rejection teaches you that the only approval you really need is yours — once you have that, nothing else matters.

I’ll link to Demi Demi’s YouTube channel in the show notes, so check it out if you want to find out more!

In next week’s show, I will be talking about the lessons I have learned so far in doing a creative project in 2023. Yes, I’m talking about lessons learned whilst filming my short festive horror film The Traveller.

And before I end can I remind you that back episodes of the show are going out on Youtube at the rate of 2 per week? Please subscribe and spread the word if you get a minute. Just search for Film Pro Productivity and it will appear, but of course, I will link to it in the show notes if you can’t track it down.

I’ll end today with some words from Albert Schweitzer who said Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Now take control of your own destiny, keep on shootin’, and join me next time on FILM PRO PRODUCTIVITY AND SUCCESS!

  • The music you can hear right now is Adventures by A Himitsu and the exec producer this season is Christopher McPhillips from Artos Digital

  • You can view the show notes for this episode on the official website

  • You can follow my personal account on Twitter and Instagram @fight_director or follow the show on Twitter @filmproprodpod or on Facebook @Filmproproductivity

  • Please support the show by subscribing, spreading the word, and leaving an AWESOME review.

Season 10 Executive Producer: Christopher McPhillips from Artos Digital

2-time winners of 'Social Media Agency of the Year' at the Prestige Awards; Artos Digital specializes in marketing communications, coaching, and personal branding. Owner Christopher McPhillips launched the business from his home in Bathgate and now works alongside his wife, Electra, for specialized event management and fundraising. Enjoying a broad portfolio of clients over the years, ranging from established enterprises to start-ups - a good fit for Artos Digital given their adaptable and agile approach. Christopher and Electra have combined their talents for three significant clients this past year: Reconnect, an SCIO who runs the Regal Theatre in Bathgate; Pro2 Wrestling in Ayr; and Puppet Animation Scotland in Edinburgh.

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A Himitsu Music: Adventures by A Himitsu

= Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox

Music provided by Audio Library –––


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