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Updated: Nov 5, 2021

Hello and welcome to A SPECIAL EPISODE of Film Pro Productivity, the podcast which helps film professionals and other creatives to live a more focused, effective and HAPPY life. My name is Carter Ferguson and this is Episode 32 – The Law of Single Handling


This is the first of two special episodes which will be released to support my crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to support this show for one more year. Details of how you can help will be given at the end of the show.

Zig Ziglar says that “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”

One of my earliest episodes, episode 3, is all about prioritising because it’s such a fundamental part of what improving our productivity entails. The law of single handling links very much to another topic I covered in Episode 10, Multitasking.

Season 2 of this show and its promotion was so immensely time-consuming for me that I have a real feeling of apprehension in moving forward into season 3.

I’ve been so indecisive in how to move forward that I’ve ground to a near halt. In the end though, out of urgent necessity, I have had to pin my resolve to the sticking post and almost literally tie myself to a laptop for a few days to get things done. There’s nothing like an imminent deadline to jumpstart you from inaction back into action again.


Adam Sicinski on says “You will maximize your performance and potential only when you discipline yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on your single most important task from inception to completion without distraction.”

That is the law of single handling. Only in this way will you effectively optimize your output and productivity.

Pro-level Basketball coach Bob Starkey says “The ability to start and complete your most important task determines your productivity more than any other skill.”And that MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE is only possible when you concentrate single-mindedly on the task—the most important task, and you stay at it until it is 100% complete.

You see picking up a task, putting it down and coming back to it several times, dramatically increases the amount of time necessary to complete it.

Picking it up the task but REFUSING TO PUT IT DOWN UNTIL IT IS DONE enables you to accomplish vastly more in a shorter period of time than you ever thought possible.

By disciplining yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on the most important thing you could possibly be doing, and then by completing that task, you increase the quantity, quality, and value of your output substantially.

And the good news is that every time you complete a major task, you experience a surge of energy, enthusiasm, and self-esteem and can BUILD THE HABIT of disciplining yourself to concentrate single-mindedly until the task is complete.

With this the all-important habit of task completion ingrained on your mind you program your subconscious mind to look forward to major tasks because you know how good you are going to feel when you have completed them.

Summing Up

So single Handling is perhaps the most powerful of all time management techniques. It can increase your output by as much as 500%. It can reduce the amount of time you spend on a task by fully 80% —by the very act of launching into the task and disciplining yourself to stay with it until it is complete.

Call To Action

You cannot do everything, but you can do one thing, the most important thing, and you can do it now. By setting goals and priorities, and then by selecting your most important task, you can dramatically increase your level of productivity and output.

Vince Lombardi said that “Success demands a singleness of purpose.”

So today’s call to action is to utilise the LAW OF SINGLE HANDLING by selecting your most important task, getting yourself organized, and then working on it wholeheartedly and without distraction until it is complete. Do this over and over until this habit of single handling is firmly entrenched. Increase your output by the 500% which Single Handling creates.


This is the first of 2 special episodes to promote the IndieGoGo campaign to raise £500 to pay for the hosting packages and some marketing for year two of this podcast. Please help by spreading the word on social media or by buying one of the perks which include the opportunity to sponsor future shows.

This episode was completed in a single sitting, and it was difficult to ignore the phone, the social media, the people who I know passing me by in the coffee shop where I’ve prepped it, but I managed it by single handling.

Master this and you will be more powerful than you can possibly imagine – and yes I realise I’m bastardizing a quote by Alec Guinness in Star Wars.

I’ll end with the words of Alexander Graham Bell

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

Now - take control of your own destiny, keep on shootin’, and join me next time on Film Pro Productivity.

The music you can hear right now is Adventures by A HimitsuYou can view the show notes for this episode on the official website filmproproductivity.comYou can follow my personal account on Twitter and Instagram @fight_director or follow the show on Twitter @filmproprodpod or on Facebook @FilmproproductivityPlease support the show by subscribing, spreading the word and leaving an AWESOME review.


Thanks: A Himitsu Music: Adventures by A Himitsu Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library ––– • Contact the artist:


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